Thursday, September 10, 2009

look at this!! - Oy I'm kvelling (that means bursting with pride)

This is from chowhound about Kosher restaurants.

Thanks Queenscook!! Glad to be of help.

Jun 18, 2009 02:34PM
re: queenscook

It is the one on (Blank St.)

It's under the supervision of R Zev Schwarcz.

I've spoken to him a few times about the various restaurants under his supervision, and I've found him always willing to answer my questions frankly, and in a way that shows he's thought of the issue and found an answer that satisfies him. I've also found him willing to talk about the leniencies he sometimes relies on, and their pros and cons, and why he feels they should be applied in a particular situation. Let's just say that I've tried having similar conversations with some other rabbis who give hechsherim, and sometimes found quite a different attitude to being questioned."

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