Thursday, February 26, 2015
A Very Happy Purim to ALL! We're getting closer to the greatest Purim celebration. Just a thought. I find it completely amazing and e...
Friday, August 30, 2013
We're Almost There! Stay strong!
Have a great Shabbos!! I know many of us are worried about events in the world. I believe, however, that it will all be good for Israel, w...
Friday, August 9, 2013
Judge Not Until You Judge Yourself
Now for a Dvar Torah on This week's Parsha - Shoftim The Torah tells us that we should set up a system and structure to communicate, cl...
It's Really All Up To You
Last week’s Parsha is Re'eh. Moshe has just reviewed for the Bnei Yisroel the past 40 years of travels and before he starts to review so...
Friday, July 12, 2013
The Themes of The Book of Devorim
This Shabbos we will start reading the Book of Devorim. Which is Anglicized as Deuteronomy (which means basically, review) but is translate...
Friday, June 21, 2013
So We Should Know Who We Are
My how time flies!!! I haven't written anything here for a very long time! I gotta stop that. To ALL a wonderful Shabbat. Don't f...
Thursday, October 25, 2012
An Important Kosher Conversation
Shalom, Writing re kosher supervision. There are many things added to foods, that are harmful to health though they have been certi...
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Friday, March 2, 2012
IN THE PARSHA: A Message for the Ages
This week is a double Parsha Tetzaveh and Zachor In Parshas Tetzaveh basically the command to light the Menorah daily, the Priestly garments...
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