Friday, August 6, 2010

Kosher Conversation - Checking Vegetables

Dear Rabbi,
I looked at the website, but I could not find any info regarding your policy for checking vegetables and fruits, if they are infested with bugs. What kind of procedure you put in place in the restaurant (especially the veggie ones) that you certify?
Many thanks for your help

Thanks so much for your question.
There are many checks in the vegetable situation. There really is no such thing as "infested" with bugs. First, the produce seller would not be selling vegetables for too long if he sells "infested" product.
Next, all restaurants inspect the produce before accepting an order, and will not accept an infested batch since EVERY restaurant has an incentive NOT to serve bugs. No patron wants to eat bugs. And a bug served could ruin their reputation. Plus a Vegan place has even more of an incentive.
Secondly, I do inspect the way they check and clean for bugs on their own since the way an establishment checks may not be inherently acceptable. But in the places that I certify they were serious about not serving bugs and the method they used was acceptable. I only requested, for those who weren't doing it, a second rinse after checking and they comply. Thanks again and feel free to email or call if you have more questions.


  1. So basically, youre serving bugs.

    1. That's not what he wrote. Also, so what? The fruits and veggies approved by the big agencies also have a threshold of what percentage of bugs is acceptable. Usually if it is less than 10% than most say you don't need to check.
